Lingerie massage

The best Lingerie massage in Madrid

Massages where the masseuse has direct body-to-body contact with the client are some of the most erotic and exciting ones that can be experienced, especially after a hard day of work or a stressful period. One of them is the Lingerie massage, a true indulgence for those seeking a completely different service where pleasant treatment and eroticism are present at all times.

Prices of Lingerie Massages in Madrid

175€ 45 min
300€ 90 min

Lingerie Massage, Pure Eroticism for Men

This is a relaxing massage where initially, the masseuse will start her service dressed in sexy and highly suggestive lingerie. As the massage progresses, the client will be able to undress the masseuse, allowing her to continue the massage using her entire body, intensifying the sensuality of the moment.
It’s one of the massages with the highest erotic charge, especially because the client can unleash their imagination and turn many of their erotic fantasies into a true reality. Have you ever imagined being with a sculpted woman massaging your entire body?

The mere fact that the masseuse performs the service with her body will generate a high level of excitement that many men have likely never experienced before, even allowing them to reach climax. This type of massage becomes an authentic sensory experience that everyone should try at least once.

To achieve such levels of pleasure, one must have an open mind, a willingness to surrender to the moment, and enjoy the sensations and eroticism that this type of massage offers. Imagination also plays a significant role here.

Professionalism, Excellent Treatment, and Maximum Sensuality

Another point to highlight is that the masseuses have enough experience to ensure that the service is 100% pleasurable. Additionally, their sinful bodies, with scandalous curves, are a true symbol of eroticism and sensuality.
If you have always imagined being gently massaged by a sculpted woman in an intimate environment where nobody disturbs you, now you can make that dream come true. It’s simply a matter of deciding to do it, setting aside any embarrassment, and living the moment as you have always imagined.

Once you experience firsthand the tremendous erotic charge that these massages offer, you will want to repeat it again and again because you will be the protagonist of something as special as the Lingerie massage.

Do you dare to try such a massage?

¡Haz tu reserva!
  1. Responsable de los datos: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Finalidad de los datos: Contactar con el interesado y resolver sus dudas.
  3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Base de datos alojada en BANAHOSTING
  4. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes limitar, recuperar y borrar tu información.
Make your booking now!
  1. Data Controller: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Purpose of the data: Contact the interested party and address their inquiries.
  3. Data storage: Database hosted on BANAHOSTING
  4. Rights: At any time, you can limit, retrieve, and delete your information.

No walk-in service

reservations are accepted up to
30 minutes in advance