Know Tantra Usuaya

At other times we have shown that the fundamental factors that make an erotic or sensual massage of any kind 100% satisfactory are not only ‘physical’. Obviously, the touch on the body and the sensations are very important, but so is being in a mental state of relaxation, in a pleasant environment and a perfectly designed setting.

That is precisely what we offer you in our center of erotic massages in Madrid.

Know Tantra Usuaya

Tantra Usuaya is your sensual massage center in the city of Madrid. In addition to a team of masseurs (they and them) with a great experience, we have perfectly equipped facilities.

Facilities of Tantra Usuaya

We have the maximum amenities that you can specify and, besides, we assure the full hygiene and maintenance of the same, following the current legislation. We have rooms of different orientations and ‘themes’ (Marrakech, Bangkok, Indonesia, Thailand …) fully equipped with lighting system, relaxing ambient music, whirlpool …

Sensuality and relaxation in the heart of Madrid, at number 45 Calle Padilla.

Different erotic massages

They say the variety is the taste, right? For that is precisely what we offer you in Tantra Usuaya. A wide variety of erotic massages in Madrid for your enjoyment alone or in couple: Essence, Thai, Delicade, Capriche, 4 hands, couples, Nuru, massage boys, massage girls, with lingerie … tell us what it is You want and we will make it happen.

The best team of erotic masseurs in Madrid

We are proud to say that we have the one that is probably the best team of sensual masseurs in Madrid. Sculptural bodies, sensuality to the skin … our professionals have extensive experience in similar centers in Switzerland, Thailand, Indonesia and Spain.

The masseurs that are part of the Tantra Usuaya staff have extensive training as chiromassists and will help you achieve ecstasy with our massages, both in active and passive mode. Get in touch with us and tell us what you are looking for. In our center of erotic massages we will give you your fantasies reality.

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  1. Responsable de los datos: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Finalidad de los datos: Contactar con el interesado y resolver sus dudas.
  3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Base de datos alojada en BANAHOSTING
  4. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes limitar, recuperar y borrar tu información.
Make your booking now!
  1. Data Controller: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Purpose of the data: Contact the interested party and address their inquiries.
  3. Data storage: Database hosted on BANAHOSTING
  4. Rights: At any time, you can limit, retrieve, and delete your information.

No walk-in service

reservations are accepted up to
30 minutes in advance