Discover the pleasure with the Thai Massage Ushuaia

Thailand and, in general, Southeast Asia suggest exoticism, spirituality and a certain mysticism bathed in sensuality and suggestive secrets. A country whose history can well be traced back to the fourth millennium BC and which, therefore, treasures innumerable traditions and arts.

Thai massage is undoubtedly one of these millenary traditions that have been perfected and expanded over the years. A source of pleasure and eroticism that unites the purest sensuality with the oriental mysticism, in a torrent of sensations hardly expressable with words.

That is precisely what in Tantra Usuaya we transfer with our Thai Massage. In our tantric and erotic massage center in Madrid we offer you a magical and relaxing experience with this massage, so you only have to worry about enjoying and forget the rush and the stress of the day to day.

In this sense, with the Thai Usuaya Massage you just have to let yourself go. Focus on the sensations you experience in each moment and let your mind and spirit reach a state of full enjoyment. This sensual massage, of high power and erotic intensity, is performed with hands, arms, legs, belly, breasts and glutes. The touch of the other body, powered by the special oils that cover your anatomy, make the erotic load and the sensitive pleasure that is achieved with the Thai Usuaya Massage are full.

This is a massage that, more than an experience of the touch of another on the body itself, is a true inner journey of knowledge and liberation of our instincts. This melee massage, which, as we said, has a very high erotic load, is performed on a Balinese bed in our center of massage erotic and tantric Madrid.

It intelligently combines tantric and Thai massage techniques, in which the passive receiver experiences truly intense sensations.

If you want to know about this or any of the other massages that we offer in Tantra Usuaya, do not hesitate to contact us. We offer you discretion, fully equipped facilities and 100% guaranteed pleasure. Come and meet us.

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  1. Responsable de los datos: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Finalidad de los datos: Contactar con el interesado y resolver sus dudas.
  3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Base de datos alojada en BANAHOSTING
  4. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes limitar, recuperar y borrar tu información.
Make your booking now!
  1. Data Controller: María del Carmen Muñoz de la Hoz
  2. Purpose of the data: Contact the interested party and address their inquiries.
  3. Data storage: Database hosted on BANAHOSTING
  4. Rights: At any time, you can limit, retrieve, and delete your information.

No walk-in service

reservations are accepted up to
30 minutes in advance